I am sure other mothers will agree with me when I say that the toddler phase is perhaps the cutest and sweetest phase when a child is growing up. The bub is growing up, tiny teeth are pushing through tender gums, first steps are on the horizon, smiles are frequent, laughs are infectious, eyes are sparkling, first words are almost here and cuteness is increasing by multiples with every passing day! I totally love this phase.
Toddler sessions can be scheduled anytime between 4 months - 12 months of age. After they start walking and running around, it's a challenge :) My home studio has a lovely ambiance to make the baby and the mother feel relaxed and comfortable, and I also have a guest room available for feeding and changing the baby. The indoor studio sessions take place in my home studio. I shoot outdoor only toddler sessions as well and the location is decided with the parents beforehand.
Before each shoot, I spend time with parents planning out the session including things like colour preferences, setups, poses etc.